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The Exile and Other Tales of Carcosa

The Burning Ember Mission of Helldorado
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Darker Than Weird: Fourteen Tales of Horror
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Really, Really, Really, Really Weird Stories: A New Edition with Four New Stories
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John Shirley Signed CD & Book Bundle
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The Miskatonic University Spiritualism Club
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The Eldritch Equations and Other Investigations
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The Eldritch Equations and Other Investigations - "Silver Screen" Preview Edition
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The Eldritch Equations and Other Investigations - BOTH VERSIONS
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A Wheel of Ravens: Alliterative Verse in the Old English Style
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Darkest Days and Haunted Ways
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At Summer's Wistful End: Last Poems for Halloween
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October Ghosts and Autumn Dreams: More Poems for Halloween
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Past the Glad and Sunlit Season: Poems for Halloween
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Halloween Hearts
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I Awaken in October: Poems of Folk Horror and Halloween
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Escape from Gravity CD - John Shirley & Jerry King (SIGNED BY JOHN SHIRLEY)

The Voice of the Burning House: Poems
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Not a Princess, But (Yes) There Was a Pea, and Other Fairy Tales to Foment Revolution
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The Ettinfell of Beacon Hill: Gothic Tales of Boston
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The Rime of the Eldritch Mariner - Chapbook

Book of Shadows: Grim Tales and Gothic Fancies
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The Withering: Poems of Supernatural Horror
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Opptober Bundle
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For the Outsider: Poems Inspired by H. P. Lovecraft

The Whispering Mummy and Others by Sax Rohmer

The Were-Wolf and Others: The Weird Writings of Clemence Housman

What Is Anything? Memoirs of a Life in Lovecraft by S. T. Joshi [PAPERBACK 2023]

When the Stars Are Right: H. P. Lovecraft and Astronomy by Edward Guimont and Horace A. Smith

Forbidden Knowledge: Two Tales of Lovecraftian Terror by Tony LaMalfa

Astral Debris: A Quiddity in Prose and Poetry by D. Sidney-Fryer

Eyes of the God: Selected Writings of R. H. Barlow [REVISED AND EXPANDED]

The Last Oblivion: Best Fantastic Poems of Clark Ashton Smith

The Averoigne Chronicles: The Complete Averoigne Stories of Clark Ashton Smith

H. P. Lovecraft: Letters to Family and Family Friends [2 VOLUMES]

Twenty Years of Hippocampus Press: 2000-2020

The Laughter of Ghouls by K. A. Opperman

Psalms and Sorceries by Wade German

Penumbra No. 4 - Edited by S. T. Joshi (2024)

Penumbra No. 3 - Edited by S. T. Joshi (2022)

Penumbra No. 2 - Edited by S. T. Joshi (2021)
$11.99 - $14.99

Long Memories and Other Writings by Peter Cannon

Spectral Realms No. 20 (Winter 2024)

Sectral Realms No. 19 (Summer 2023)

Spectral Realms No. 18 (Winter 2023)

Spectral Realms No. 14 (Winter 2021

Spectral Realms No. 13 (Summer 2020)

Spectral Realms No. 11 (Summer 2019)

Avenging Angela and Other Uncanny Encounters by Jonathan Thomas

Black City Skyline and Darker Horizons by Barry Lee Dejasu

What the Daemon Said: Essays on Horror Fiction, Film, and Philosophy by Matt Cardin

The Robert H. Waugh Library of Lovecraftian Criticism (3 VOLUMES)

The Devil Snar'd: Novels, Appreciations, and Appendices by Marjorie Bowen

The Grey Chamber: Stories and Essays by Marjorie Bowen
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Out of the Immortal Night: Selected Works of Samuel Loveman [REVISED & AUGMENTED]

Random Notes, Random Lines by Donald Sidney-Fryer

A Walk in a Darker Wood: An Anthology of Folk Horror
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Ye Historie of Jack O’ Lanthorne (chapbook)
$5.00 - $6.00

Rime of the Eldritch Mariner T-shirt

Jackanapes Press logo T-shirt

Past the Glad and Sunlit Season - Official T-shirt

Halloween Crest T-shirt

The Spirit of All Halloween - 6x9 print - Signed

The Samhanach is Coming - 6x9 print - Signed

The Four Trick-or-Treaters - 6x9 print - Signed